Thursday, January 12, 2012

The $6,000 Razor

I hate using a dull razor. Under the best conditions I hack myself to pieces so you can image the carnage of a dull razor. Yet for years I never had a new, sharp glistening blade of steel in the house. I am not a masochist. I was just economizing.

My path to the razor that have saved my family $6,000 and counting is both convoluted and direct. Basically my husband changed careers and answered his call into ministry. This change began a seven year journey of degrees, part-time jobs, and re-locations each of which left us less financially stable than the previous. So in year six, living in family housing in Wilmore, Ky, making less than a 1/3 of our previous income, and trying to stretch every dollar to feed our now family of three I first heard of Southern Savers and couponing. The very idea of using coupons brought up childhood memories of standing in the line humiliated as my mom would pull out coupons from her purse and 'hold things up' at the checkout.

I would go to the store and try to make our budgeted grocery money (thanks Dave Ramsey) go as far as possible. I would stand in the razor aisle staring wistfully but walk away from the $10-$15 price tags empty handed and go buy diapers or some other pressing need instead. Finally, my tortured legs helped me put my pride aside and I decided to give this coupon thing a go.

I didn't jump in right away. First I read a lot of blogs from people who give tips and advice as well as shopping lists. I found that Southern Savers was the best fit for me. Finally, in January 2010, inspired by the birth of another mouth to feed I took the plunge. Guess what my first big deal was? Why razors of course!

I have two years of full fledged couponing under my belt. I don't dive in dumpsters and I don't have a vast stock pile but I do have a closet that probably has 15 packs of new, sharp glistening razors and a stocked pantry. I do feed a family of four mainly organic healthy food, buy diapers and baby needs, and get household supplies for about $80 a week. I am able to give to our food bank toiletries and items I could have never donated before. I could save more but I choose to buy organic, green, and fresh products and produce when ever possible.

What could you do with captured income of $6,000? Make ends meet? Help get out of dept? Go on vacation? Home improvements? Give extravagantly?

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