Thursday, May 15, 2008

Bodacious Broads

Setting: Mother's Day 2008; Dacula, GA

Characters: Rebecca (me), Roxanne (sister), and Lela (mother), various other wonderful ladies of the Bodacious Broads Chapter of The Red Hat Society and their lovely daughters and daughters-in-law.

Exposition: Two hour drive with my mom, sister, and broken foot cross country to avoid Atlanta traffic.

Climax: Adorning our pink (or red if you are over 50 years old) hats and walking up to a predominately men’s golf club for our annual Mother’s Day brunch.

Resolution: Realization that the heavy burden of expectation of my attendance at the annual event (“come hell or high water” as my father says) was worth the hassle of the long drive with said broken foot (i.e. hell or high water) to spend those moments with my precious mother and her amazing friends.

Sequel: The hope that next year will bring together those same faces from all over the country to honor our mothers and share in their friendship. The prayer that one day I will share a similar moment with my own daughter.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

May Flowers

I love the month of May. September and October are in a close running but I think May is the winner, although I am not sure the other months know it is a competition. I never claimed to be fair.

May brings warmer days and flowers. Two of my favorite things. As a person who is free from allergies (at least to normal things-- I still have the pesky pencil and chalk issues) I loved to breath deep the syrupy air of spring.

Tulips make me smile. Such a perky little flower popping up for a grin at the world.

Hydrangeas make we want to weep from beauty. Their snowy blooms remind me of old southern houses and gentle touches from someone who really loves me.

Wisteria makes me feel safe. It comforts me that the rugged vines of winter that seem wasted produce canopies of purple each spring.

These are the flowers that I love, that are of my past, of my childhood.
They are part of who I am.

I love May for another important reason. On May 27, Kevin and I will celebrate our eighth wedding anniversary. Eight years. Eight years planted with little moments we have shared. My journey through life with Kevin has been blanketed with tulips (smiles) , hydrangeas (beauty) , and wisteria (safety).

He is now part of who I am.

I love it!