Friday, March 4, 2011

101 Greatest Books- To Kill a Mockingbird #3

Going through the 101 Greatest Books List put together by the College Board. Their original list is in alphabetical order. I am approaching it in no particular order of my own....

It is difficult to write about something I love so much. I face the fear that I will leave out something important, something significant, something revealing. So instead of trying to concisely collect my thoughts on one of my favorite books of all time I am going to have to approach this stream of consciousness style.

I first read TKAM as a young girl. I did not understand much of the plot,especially all that was happening at the trial, but even then the characters danced off the page at me. The tomboy in me really wanted to be friends with Scout and I think I had a crush on Jem.

I have a first edition copy of the book. It has typos and grammatical errors. This gives me hope.

Quotes from the novel run through my head and I will always laugh at Scout asking Atticus to "pass the damn ham".

I love the conspiracy theories and the mysterious surrounding Harper Lee.

Every time I read TKAM it breaks my heart.

I can't decide how I feel about Atticus Finch as a father. As a lawyer and as a man he is without reproach, but with each read I am more and more conflicted how a feel about his role as a father.

I don't like red geraniums because they always make me think of the Ewells.

I came home the other day from the store and Kevin had CB in his lap reading Chapter 10 aloud to her. I will cherish that memory forever.

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